Sayonara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei

3 respostas neste tópico
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Ficha técnica:

Título: Sayonara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei
Título alternativo: Sinônimo: - | Japonês: さようなら竜生, こんにちは人生 | Abreviatura: -
Formato: Série de TV
Gênero: -
Obra original: Indefinido
Público-alvo da obra original: Masculino
Editora (Label): -
Escrito por: 永島ひろあき
Site oficial:
Estúdio: SynergySP, Vega Entertainment
Produtora: -
Diretor: Nishida Ken`ichi
Supervisor do script: Tsuda Naokatsu
Character designer: Kawashige Nozomi
Data de estréia: -
Número de episódios: -
Maiores informações: [Wikipedia (EN) | Wikipedia (PT) | MyAnimeList | AnimeNewsNetwork | AniDB]
Eu tenho essa novel na fila para ler. Também conhecida como Goodbye Dragon Life, Hello Human Life.

O resumo em inglês:
- The oldest and strongest Dragon who grew tired of living chose to die when the Heroes came for his life. When the Dragon’s soul was waiting to drift toward the Sea of Souls, that was when it noticed it had been reborn into a Human baby.

The Dragon then decided to live a life as a Human to the fullest, and regained his will to live. The Dragon was born as the child of a farmer and lives his life in the frontier possessing enormous amounts of power due to his soul being a Dragon’s.

He then encountered the Demon of the Lamia race, fairies, Black Rose, and later entered the Magic Academy. The man whose soul is of a Dragon lives his life in joy going to Magic Academy, spending time with an old friend, The Earth Goddess, meets beautiful girls, strong classmates, the Dragon King and the Queen of Vampires.

Junto com o trecho final do resumo, dá a entender que tem romance devido a combinação de tags Harem + Polygamy.
[Imagem: 5sXHnRY.jpg]


Comecei a ler a novel disso e o ritmo parece lento. Quase arrastado.

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