24/04/2021, 14:48 |
![[Imagem: isUUIkx.png]](https://i.imgur.com/isUUIkx.png)
Ficha técnica:
Título: Shika no Ou: Yuna to Yakusoku no Tabi
Título alternativo: Sinônimo: - | Japonês: 鹿の王 ユナと約束の旅 | Abreviatura: -
Formato: Filme
Gênero: Fantasia
Obra original: Light Novel - 4 volumes (Completo em 7/2017)
Público-alvo da obra original: -
Editora (Label): -
Escrito por: Uehashi Nahoko
Site oficial: https://shikanoou-movie.jp/
Estúdio: Production I.G
Produtora: -
Diretor: Andou Masashi, Miyaji Masayuki
Supervisor do script: Kishimoto Taku
Character designer: Andou Masashi
Data de estréia: 10/09/2021
Maiores informações: [Wikipedia (EN) | Wikipedia (PT) | MyAnimeList | AnimeNewsNetwork | AniDB]
Sinopse AniDB: * Based on a fantasy novel series written by Uehashi Nahoko.
Van is the head of a group of soldiers who expected to die fighting for their lands against a large empire looking to incorporate their home into its kingdom. Instead of dying, however, Van is taken as a slave and thrown into a salt mine. One night, a pack of strange dogs attacks the salt mine, and a mysterious illness breaks out. During the attack, Van takes the opportunity to escape, and he meets a young girl. Elsewhere, rumor is spreading that only immigrants are coming down with this mysterious illness. The medical scientist Hossal risks his life to search for a cure. Doctors also study a father and child who seem to have survived the illness. The novels tell the interconnecting stories and bonds of those who fight against a cruel fate.