Enquete: Qual destas equipes de Naruto é a melhor?
Gaara, Kankurou e Temari
4 6.25%
Hinata, Kiba e Shino
9 14.06%
Naruto, Sasuke e Sakura
8 12.50%
Neji, Rock Lee e Tenten
20 31.25%
Shikamaru, Chouji e Ino
23 35.94%
Total 64 votos 100%
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360 respostas neste tópico
(07/11/2014, 23:56)Tiagosoutei Escreveu: Sobre o rosto do Kakashi eu estava conversando com os meu amigos e dizendo que faltou mostrar muito coisa e deixou muito a desejar como o rosto do Kakashi, O meu amigo disse que sobre o rosto do Kakashi entre outras coisas vai ser mostrado no Filme que vai lançar.

Duvido. Acho que esse filme vai ser, na maior parte, fanservice.
Por mais que tenha ficado ruim, ou talvez sempre foi, eu não consigo achar essa obra ruim. Tem um grande valor pra mim. O final foi razoável e acho que agora só vale a pena ver o próximo filme.
(07/11/2014, 12:13)Kyyzao Escreveu: Alguém que assiste o anime pode me dizer quantas décadas levará para alcançar o final do mangá?

Pelo que eu li, vão continuar o anime com filler por tempo indeterminado.
(19/11/2014, 14:05)Rafaloko Escreveu: Por mais que tenha ficado ruim, ou talvez sempre foi, eu não consigo achar essa obra ruim.

Ruim não é a palavra que eu usaria pra descrever Naruto, mas é uma obra cheia de defeitos e muito clichê.
Vai ter mais um filme disso em agosto.

Naruto acabou, mas continua sendo infinito. Icon_lol
(07/12/2014, 10:37)Metroid Escreveu: Vai ter mais um filme disso em agosto.

Naruto acabou, mas continua sendo infinito. Icon_lol

O filme será da fase GT, o esperado.
(07/12/2014, 10:57)rapier Escreveu: O filme será da fase GT, o esperado.

Sim, o esperado de algo que tenha apelo internacional. Não vão largar o osso tão cedo.
Povo elogiando muito o filme The Last, dizendo que é a história de amor do Naruto com a Hinata e chega até a ser emocionante.

Bem, não é em toda obra onde o cara não fica com a primeira dona que ele quer (com a Sakura), mas sim com a melhor dona. Se bem que já vi isso em outro anime.
1 usuário curtiu este post: ivanzinhotr
Descrição inteira do filme. Botar em spoiler, já que é um belo wall of text.

Spoiler: filme  
So, I saw this movie this morning and rushed home to write this summary while I still remembered as much as I did. 4 1/2 hours later, I’m finally finished…

I have only seen this move once, and cannot remember every little detail about it just from that, so the order of the shorter scenes/ clips might be slightly wrong in this summary. It’s kind of hard to remember every details from a two hour movie…
I may have forgotten to add important details, or if you notice something that doesn’t make sense or have a question for me, then feel free to PM me and I will try my best to answer.
Anyway, enjoy!
The first couple of minutes of the movie shows some nice 3D animated, black and white ink-style art, giving a very quick recap of the history of the shinobi world, starting with Kagura and moving through all the Ashura/Indra recarnations battling each other, finishing with Naruto vs Sasuke having their final battle at the Valley of the End at the end of the manga. The artwork is really beautiful, but for some reason Greensleaves is playing in the background. Ok, whatever.
The next scene is of little Hinata, the scene that you can see in the trailers where she is in a snowy forest and she starts crying. The reason she is crying is because three older boys are bullying her because she has the Byakugan, saying that she’s a ‘youkai’ (a demon/ monster’. Naruto, who is sitting nearby on a swing, comes to defend her as they go to rough her up. He gives his usual spiel that he’s Uzumaki Naruto, the future Hokage etc. He gets pummeled to the point his face is swollen and passes out in the snow. While he’s passed out, the boys have taken the red scarf Naruto was wearing and stomp on it, hang from it over a tree branch etc. Naruto wakes up again, with Hinata standing in front of him. She’s really grateful he came to protect her and thanks him for it. She offers him his scarf back, saying its really recked, but he waves it off to say he doesn’t want it. Hinata keeps it as a memento of their first encounter.
The scene cuts to the Academy. Iruka asks the class to write on a piece of paper ‘the name of the person you’d want to be with if the world was going to end tomorrow’. Naruto sulks and makes a paper airplane with the sheet and throws it out the window. Iruka scolds him, but Naruto.says that he doesn’t know his mother or father and doesn’t have any friends, so he doesn’t have anyone to write about. He also says that the scenario of the world ending tomorrow would never happen. Meanwhile, Hinata writes down a name on her paper.
We’re now brought to the present day movie timeline, two years after the war. We hear someone speaking to Hiashi, saying that he needs to answer the question. The fate of the Hyuuga family depends on his answer. Hiashi doesn’t answer but initiates a fight with the enemy, who are a collection of dolls.
In Konoha, Hinata is knitting a red scarf for Naruto, with his old one that she kept from their first encounter on the side next to her.
[For the next little bit of the movie, the scenes flick between each other quite quickly so I can’t remember the order 100%, but this is the gist of what I remember]
- Naruto has come to the academy to give a special demonstration lesson to the students. The girls all squeal over him. The Ino-Shika-Cho trio are just outside of the grounds, and Ino comments that she never thought Naruto would be popular with the girls. Shikamaru comments that its because he’s the Hero of the world after the war. [this scene has been leaked]
- Naruto eats ramen with these three, Kiba and Shino.
- Sai is painting the moon over the village, and comments that its unusually big…
- Hinata goes to buy more wool for the scarf. Sakura catches her coming out of the shop with the wool and guesses what she’s up to. They go to a café, and Sakura encourages Hinata to give Naruto the scarf when its finished. She says that Naruto is completely dense about love, so she’ll have to make her feelings clear. Hinata looks unsure. [this part is hinted in the trailers]
- Sakura also mentions to Hinata that Naruto is becoming popular with girls, and some girls have even come from other villages to meet him/ take his picture. Hinata wasn’t aware of the competition.
- When Sakura tells Hinata she needs to persevere when it comes to love and having feelings returned, the camera shows a very brief glance at Sasuke wandering somewhere.
- Konohamaru asks Naruto to help clean through his grandfathers things which are kept in a storehouse.
- Naruto is shown being approached by tons of girls one after the other giving him presents, taking his photo and linking arms with him. Naruto is dense and doesn’t really get whats going on, so takes the presents from the girls. He’s later shown standing in his room, which is full of wrapped presents everywhere.
[from here on, the order should be correct]
Hinata has finished knitting the scarf and runs down the stairs to leave and give it to him, but she has second (and third, and fourth…) thoughts about it. Hanabi catches her sister pacing up and down the corridor of their house and teases her about it. She says she should just give Naruto the scarf already. Hinata leaves to do so.
Naruto is having ramen with Shikamarus group and Sakura. Naruto is wearing a blue-striped scarf, and he just about remembers to take it off before starting on his ramen. Sakura thinks its weird hes so concerned with this scarf, especially since she knows Hinata has made him one.
Hinata turns up and Naruto asks her to join them for ramen - his treat since he had a good day (getting presents from everyone). Hinata’s very hesitant, obviously wanting to see him alone. Sakura asks her too, and moves over a seat to let her sit next to Naruto. Hinata takes a seat, but just as she does so, Naruto’s fangirls from earlier show up and Naruto offers them ramen as his treat the same way he did with Hinata. The girls start getting all clingy on Naruto again in front of Hinata. Hinata goes to leave, saying she’s already full after all (even though she didn’t eat any ramen). Sakura tells Naruto to walk Hinata home, but Naruto asks why, because he thinks she doesn’t need it because shes really strong on her own. Hinata hears this then leaves.
Meanwhile, some masked puppets appear in the village. Some break into the Hyuuga house and attack Hanabi.
Hinata has stopped heading home and is practicing her confession to hand over the scarf in an empty street. She finishes rehearsing and Naruto turns up. Naruto starts talking to her for a bit, but her tummy rumbles. Hinata turns bright red. (Hanabi was teasing Hinata in the earlier scene that she’d be laughed at if her stomach rumbles in the middle of the confession.) Naruto says ‘see, you are hungry after all’ and invites her back to his place for cup ramen, but Hinata runs off embarrassed before he can finish.
Hinata is sitting on a swing in an empty park, with the scarf in her lap. Toneri appears in front of her. He talks to her for a bit and goes to take her. Naruto hears her scream and comes to save her. He stands between Toneri and Hinata, but one of Toneri’s dollsstake Hinata anyway [not 100% of this last point]. Naruto gives chase to Toneri, beating up his dolls along the way.
Sai is still painting on the outskirts of the village when one of the dolls riding a huge bird flies past him. He notices the doll is carrying an unconscious Hanabi and gives chase on his bird.
Toneri has cast something on Hinata that leaves her feeling chakra-drained. She falls of a roof. The scarf gets caught on the side of the building as she falls and although it gets torn down the middle, its strong enough for her to hang off it since she cant weave chakra to stand on the building. Meanwhile, Naruto finishes up his fight against the puppets and joins Hinata on the roof. Naruto comments that the scarf has been torn down the middle, and she nods. Toneri reappears and says he will definitely be back for Hinata. He disappears with the moon behind him, and as he does so, Naruto and Hinata an see something glowing orange in the middle of the moon. This gets bigger and bigger, until they see that it is a comet shooting passed them. The comet hits the earth behind the Hokage monument. Naruto and Hinata look on in amazement.
The Gokage are having an emergency meeting to discuss the issue of the comets. It’s revealed that the moon is breaking apart, and that the smaller fragments are heading to earth as comets. If they hit the earth, the human race will be destroyed.
Now in the Hokage’s office, Kakashi gives them the lo-down of their new mission to bring Hanabi back. The team is made up of Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Shikamaru and Sai, with Shikamaru leading the team. He also explainsHe equips them all with a timer on the palms of their hands which counts down to the worlds destruction (when the main comet is going to hit.
The team set out on their journey on sai’s birds, Hinata checking things out with her Byakugan as they go. They find one of Hanabi’s kunai (distinguishable since it has a charm on it). Hinata goes to put it into her bag, and Naruto sees that she has the red scarf in there. He asks why she doesn’t wear it since shes not wearing much despite the snow, but she brushes his question off.
Eventually they come to a cave with a lake inside. They agree they must dive into the water, but before they do so, Naruto takes care to remove his scarf again so it doesn’t get wet. Sakura is bothered about this again, and Hinata looks upset. Sai comments that he doesn’t need to worry about the scarf, because this water is strange as it isn’t even wet when you touch it. They dive in. There are many floating green balls in the water that look like little moons. They are all cast into a genjutsu and float in the water. The genjustu makes them recollect their memories. The memories are shown in the little moons. Naruto flashes back to the Academy scene about writing down someones name. Hinata flashes back to when they first met, and when she gave him some ointment at the chuunin exams after he faces Kiba. Hinatas scarf floats out of her bag and wraps around Naruto, connecting the two. Now Naruto starts to see her memories.
He sees the scene at the Academy again, but this time his current self is actually in the room during the scene. He watches his younger self get scolded by Iruka, but then turns to look at the younger Hinata and sees that she had written down his name (as the person she would want to be with on her last day on earth). Naruto looks really shocked as it starts to sink in that she’s liked him that much since then. Next he sees the ointment scene from the Chuunin exam and sees Hinata blushing. Then he sees Hinata’s confession scene during his battle against Pain. He also briefly sees many of her memories where there’ve been hints that she’s liked him.
Sakura then wakes him up, and the group start to move to the other surface of the lake. However, from this point, Naruto can’t stop looking at Hinata, as he finally starts to realize how much she likes him, and that he is starting to like her.
They come out of the surface of the lake into another room in the cave, this time with floating balls of earth. There’s another lake they must dive into. Shikamaru, Sai and Sakura go ahead. Naruto doesn’t make a move to dive in, so Hinata stops and asks what’s wrong. Naruto starts to ask her about what he saw in her memories, but changes his mind and says its nothing. He dives in first. Just as Hinata is about to dive, Toneri appears. She asks where he’s taken Hanabi, but he replies that shes resting. He calls Hinata the Byakugan princess and asks her to marry him. Naruto realizes that Hinata hasn’t followed him and goes back to the surface. He stands between Hinata and Toneri again. He beats Toneri up, just to find that this Toneri is just a puppet.
Meanwhile Shikamaru’s group are fighting a giant monster at the other end of the lake.
They all regroup after Naruto and Hinata catch up. They get out the other side of the cave, which brings them to a cliff overlooking the sea. There’s a floating island in the sky. They comment that something looks really strange with this place, and Shikamaru says that he thinks the sun they can see there is fake.
They carry on with their mission, which brings them to an abandoned Shinobi village. They split up into groups to see if Hanabi is there. Hinata and Naruto search together through the abandoned houses, all the meanwhile Naruto keeps sideglancing Hinata’s way (He’s crushing pretty bad by this point). It shows them looking at different places in several short scenes. First Hinata walks into a spiders web and Naruto picks it out from her hair. In another scene they have a friendly (flirty) chat. In another scene Naruto sees her knitting up the hole in the scarf at night (which she has been doing every night in the mission so far). In another scene, they are having cup ramen in an abandoned house. Naruto leaves to pee but walks into a spiders web, trips and hurts his back. Hinata gives him ointment, to which he comments that she did that before during the Chuunin exams. He tries to apply the ointment himself but can’t reach that spot on his back, so she does it for him. Sai pokes his head through the window and says that he has something he wants Hinata to check out.
They come to an underground gravesite, and an old man appears. He calls Hinata the Byakugan Princess (like Toneri did before) and spits a bright ball of chakra/ light out his mouth. Hinata’s Byakugan reacts to this and she catches a glimpse of a flashback and faints. Naruto goes to beat the guy up, but the guy disintegrates (he’s already dead).
That night, Hinata is awake knitting the scarf again. Naruto asked what happened/ what she saw before she fainted, but she said it was nothing. The next day, Hinata and Naruto are looking out over the abandoned city. They comment that Hanabi doesn’t appear to be there after searching through all the buildings. Naruto glances at Hinata beside him and gets caught up in his thoughts, staring at her. [This part is in the trailers].
The group agree to move on. That night Hinata is knitting the scarf in a field with what looks to be glowing butterflies flying around. Naruto is standing behind a tree next to the field. He decides after a while to approach her. He comments that shes working on the scarf again. Hinata replies that its pretty pathetic considering they’re out on a mission to save her kidnapped sister, and she’s just there knitting a scrf every night. Naruto says that’s not the case and they’ll get Hanabi back soon. Hinata says that Naruto is very kind, but he says that he’s not just doing this for her (I didn’t catch this bit although it seemed really important, but I think he said something like ‘I’m not just doing it because I like you’. Don’t count me on this 100% though), but genuinely coz he wants to rescue Hanabi. Hinata asks him to repeat what he just said (coz she might have misheard Naruto’s slip) and naruto repeats the part about wanting to save Hanabi. Hinata asks him to repeat the bit before that.
And Naruto says ‘Hinata, I love you’.
Hinata obviously looks stunned that Naruto just confessed to her. There’s a long pause where they just stand facing each other…
…Until Toneri turns up on a platform floating down from the moon. Naruto starts to yell at Toneri, but Hinata walks up to Naruto, gives him the scarf and gets onto Toneri’s platform. Naruto is dumbfounded and asks what she’s doing. Toneri says that she is obviously coming to him on her accord and that they are going to get married. Naruto asks Hinata if this is true and Hinata doesn’t deny it. Naruto is shocked. The platform starts to fly away. Naruto gives chase on Sai’s bird, screaming for Hinata to come back. Toneri attacks Naruto, the attack sucking out Naruto’s kyuubi chakra and creating a huge hole in the ground when it hits. Naruto falls towards the whole, looking sadly at Hinata leaving with Toneri. The scarf is burned up by the blast, symbolizing their bond breaking.
We cut back to the villages where the Shinobi are attacking the comets falling to earth. The Cloud have a huge chakra cannon that they are using.
Also, probably around this point in the movie, is a short clip in a plain where an injured and weak Hiashi collapses. Sasuke walks up to him. (I can’t remember 100% where this bit comes though, since its so short.)
Shikamaru’s group are resting in a cave. Naruto is out of it. Sakura is healing him. Shikamaru comments that they must be on a part of the moon after all, because you could see the earth through the hole that Naruto’s chakra made.
Hinata wakes up in Toneri’s castle on the moon. She looks around and finds Hanabi in another bedroom. She is unconscious and has bandages over her eyes, since Toneri has implanted them into his own. She takes Hanabi’s hand, triggering the scene where she meets Toneri in the cave. Toneri then turns up. You see that his eyes have changed since implanting Hanabi’s Byakugan.
The next few scenes are of the days Hinata is living in Toneri’s castle. (Again, I’m foggy on the order) Toneri shows Hinata around a bit. He asks Hinata to knit him a scarf (like she did for Naruto) and she agrees. We learn that Toneri is the last descendant of Hamura Otsutsuki, the Rikudo Sage’s brother. He says that it is Hamura’s will that his clan must destroy the earth should the day come when Hagoromo’s descendants fail to upkeep it. Toneri explains that time has come now, since shinobi messed up the moon (i.e Madara’s plan during the 4th war). Toneri being the last descendant must fulfill this destiny.
During these scenes we also see the scene that Hinata saw when she met the old man at the gravesite. It shows a war between the Otsutsuki clan and another clan on the moon (the other clan having a sun clan symbol, the same as the one found in the gravesite). In the flashback, the Otsutsuki fire a huge chakra laser-like weapon. It wipes out the other clan in one shot.
One dinnertime, Hinata sees a floating island outside the window and Toneri explains that its Hamura’s Mausoleum, which floats near the castle once a year. Hinata senses with her Byakugan that the weapon of mass destruction from the flashback is kept in there. She later sneaks in. When she gets into the entry room, she meets the ghost of Hamura, who tells her that his wish ISN’T for his clan to destroy the world, and asks her to stop Toneri. As one of the Hyuuga clan, she has his blood too. She finds the weapon and tries to destroy it, but is caught by Toneri. She tells him that he is mistaken about Hamura’s wish. He doesn’t want to listen, however, and uses his puppet justu on her so she becomes lifeless. Her image is also turned into a painting which hangs over his fireplace, and the picture of her sheds a tear (I think this is where her soul is imprisoned).
Meanwhile back at the cave, Naruto has woken up. It’s been three days since Hinata left. Naruto starts sulking that Hinata willingly went off with Toneri. Sai teases him that all he was doing while he was asleep was mumbling Hinata’s name over and over and that it was a good reference for him to see how it hurts when someone is rejected after confessing to someone they like. (me: Sai, you little shit, I love you). Naruto basically skulks around for a while. Shikamaru says they are going after Hinata but Naruto gives no reactions. Shikamaru says that if he’s giving up on Hinata so easily then he might as well give up on being Hokage. Naruto gets pissed and yells at Shikamaru, grabbing him. Shikamaru yells back saying that he doesn’t know what went on between Naruto and Hinata, but as a Shinobi Naruto needs to get on with his mission and go after Hinata regardless.
Hinata is knitting Toneri’s scarf, but he gets pissed after getting pain in his eyes, and burns the scarf up, saying she was really doing it for Naruto.
Shikamaru takes Naruto to a different room where Sakura is resting. She’s resting because healing Naruto wiped out most of her chakra, so she’s feeling weak. The two talk alone. Naruto says that Hinata went with Toneri voluntarily and Sakura retorts that its obvious she has something up her sleave. She said Naruto’s an idiot for believing otherwise, and an idiot in general when it comes to love. She brings up that Naruto has told her that he like her in the past, but she couldn’t return his feelings because she only liked Sasuke (cue image of Sasuke), so she understands that Hinata will never, ever not like Naruto after liking him for so long. Naruto understands what Sakura is trying to say.
Toneri and Hinata start the wedding ceremony inside the castle. Naruto’s group launch an aerial attack trying to get into the moon’s barrier. Once inside the castle they split into two groups. Naruto and Shikamaru crash the wedding just before the ceremony seems to be completed and Toneri takes lifeless Hinata into an escape passage. Shikamaru stays behind to take on Toneri’s dolls while Naruto takes pursuit. Naruto demands to have Hinata back so Toneri sends Hinata to attack him. Naruto dodges the attacks and removes the justu that Toneri controls her with. However, Toneri brings her back to his side and tries to reinstate the control justu. However, he starts to get pain from his new eyes and Naruto and Hinata run off.
Meanwhile, Sakura and Sai have found Hanabi, as well as a small piece of the scarf Hinata knitted for Naruto (Toneri).
Naruto and Hinata have run to the where the weapon is. Hinata tries to destroy it with her dragons, but it doesn’t work. Naruto gets the idea to hold her hand like during the war, and Hinata infuses her dragon technique with Naruto’s rasengan. They attack the weapon together and destroy it. It disperses into a large number of Byakugan eyeballs. They regroup with the others back in the castle.
Sakura gives Hinata the fragment of scarf she found, saying that she should give it to Naruto. Naruto also says she should give it to him since she made it for him, or rather, he wants it. She comments that he already has his blue-striped scarf which he’s been fussing over the whole time. He tells her this scarf was actually knitted for him by his mother, and he found it when clearing out the 3rd’s stuff with Konohamaru. Hinata is relieved that it wasn’t from another girl after all and finally gives him the scarf. He more than happily accepts.
Back on earth, the villages are still defending themselves from comets. One large comet falls towards Konoha and Lee breaks in two, but one half carries on its path to the village. Just as its about to hit, the comet is blown to pieces. As Kakashi wonders what happened, Sasuke appears in front of him, saying that while Naruto is away from the village, he is the only one who can protect them instead. [in the trailers]. Sasuke then disappears. However, Izumo and Kotetsu then notice that an unconscious Hiashi has appeared on the ground behind them.
The Cloud blows up the astoroid belt surrounding the earth with their chakra cannon. Raikage notifies the other Kage that he will next blow up the moon.
On the moon, Toneri has summoned a large gedo-esque statue to crush Naruto’s group. It attacks and Naruto flees, grabbing Hinata and carrying her away to safety, princess-style. Naruto goes into Sage/ Kyuubi mode and releases Kurama, who is also in the same mode (glowing orange with the same markings). Kurame and Gedo2 duke it out on the surface of the moon.
On earth, they notice that Kurama is fighting on the moon’ surface, telling Kakashi that’s obviously where Naruto and the others are. A weak Haishi also tells him that he thinks that’s where his daughters are, so asks him to stop the Cloud’s cannon. Kakashi connects with the other Kage and requests that they stop their attack, explaining the situation. The Raikage refuses, but the other 3 Kage back up Kakashi’s request, so he has no choice. He agrees to delay it by 1 hour, and then he’ll fire.
Naruto and Toneri punch it out for a while. Toneri goes into Rikudo mode. After exchanging uber attacks, Toneri forms his chakra into a huge sword, cutting the moon into two.
Naruto uses (I think) Rasenshuriken on Toneri, and Toneri loses his Rikudo mode. However, as he is just about defeated, the Byakugan that were dispersed earlier after Naruto and Hinata destroyed the weapon come floating over to Toneri. The cling to his body and cover most of it up, giving him power. He starts forming a green, rasengan-like chakra ball, which sucks out Naruto’s chakra. Naruto loses Sage/Kyuubi mode. However, in absorbing this energy, he is pulled out into space as he is accidentally also collecting the sun’s energy, which his body cannot handle. He begins to inflate as though he will explode, but Naruto goes to grab him and pull him back to the moon. Hinata takes Hanabi’s eyes from the defeated Toneri.
Back on earth, they notice that Kurama has written the symbol on the moon’s surface to signal ‘mission complete’. We then see Kurama complaining that his writing sucks lol.
The group start to head back. Hinata and Naruto asks Toneri to come back with them and live on earth instead of living alone on the moon. Toneri declines, saying that he’ll live away from people there. They offer again saying that if he changes his mind, he should come, but he replies that the moon will never come that close to the earth again.
Shikamaru, Sakura and Sai have gone on ahead through the cave with the genjutsu lakes. Naruto and Hinata are slowly making their way back together through the cave chamber with the mini moons. The mini moons start to show flashbacks from the movie and series where Naruto and Hinata are together. Naruto takes Hinata’s hand and leads her as they bounce from moon to moon. [This bit tugs on your heartstrings ;_;]
He asks her if she remembers that assignment where they had to write the name of the person they’d want to be with if it was the end of the world. He says that now, he knows his answer would be her. He tells her that he always wants to be with her until the day he dies and that he loves her. Hinata obviously looks very happy to hear this.
As they run hand-in-hand, the screen cuts to some of the moons showing their memories. It then cuts back to Naruto and Hinata, who this time are in their Shippuden forms. After seeing more memories in the moons, next we can see Naruto and Hinata in their pre-Shippuden/ part 1 forms. It cuts to the mini-moons again, and this last time Naruto and Hinata are at their youngest, the ages they were at when they first met at the beginning of the movie, still running hand-in-hand
As they make their way through the room, the cave starts to collapse around them, so Naruto uses his rasengan as a motor to propel them faster through. The go through the lake and come out the other end, where Shikamaru and co are waiting. However, they carry on going, and Naruto blasts a hole through the ceiling. They fly up into the sky, stopping in front of the moon, where Naruto pulls Hinata in to kiss her.
During the credits, we see various still frames of Naruto and Hinata’s wedding, as Sukimaswitch’s Hoshii no Utsuwa plays in the background. Towards the end of the credits we see a brief still frame of Sasuke walking in the desert. In the last shot of Naruto and Hinata’s wedding, Hanabi is holding a picture of the deceased Neji.
Post-credits, an older Hinata with shorter hair is knitting in a modern-looking apartment. Naruto is on the balcony practicing punches. Bolt and Himawari run into the room shouting ‘Daddy! Daddy! Play with us!’ before jumping all over Naruto. Hinata tells them off saying they shouldn’t do that, and Naruto says they should listen to their mother, since she’s really tough when she’s mad. While they’re saying this, the camera focuses on photo frames on the side of Hinata and Naruto with their kids as babies.
The End.
After the end of the film was a short, 10-second or so trailer about the manga’s mini-series starting in spring.


Spoiler: filme  
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