Hearts of Iron IV

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Agora de tarde saiu a nova expansão de Hearts of Iron IV.

Escolhi a Bulgaria como minha primeira partida. País pequeno e com abundância de PP. Então deve ser melhor para eu me adaptar com o novo sistema de logistica e seus trens, assim como o novo sistema de pesquisa para doutrinas militares.
Gostando do canhão ferroviário. Não é barato (e depende de Chromium), mas está garantindo 10% de debuff nas estatísticas de ataque/defesa do inimigo. E países pequenos como a Grécia não parece dar muita atenção para a logistica, pois estou invadindo agora o país e suas tropas estão sofrendo com falta de suprimentos.

[Imagem: 6DXwfqb.jpg]

Depois dessa partida devo jogar com a Hungria.
A nova expansão de Hearts of Iron IV veio com uma tonelada de bugs, e minutos atrás foi lançado o patch 1.11.2:
Mas o changelog é só duas coisas:
- The expected models can now be selected for tank designs.
- Game executable should be properly signed again.

Próxima semana deve vir algo mais gordo.
- Open Beta Patch 1.11.4 (Steam Only) - Checksum 6c71

A Itália só deve receber um upgrade na focus tree na próxima DLC, mas no 1.11.4 Beta fizeram uma gambiarra para os italianos sofrerem um pouco menos com as mudanças recentes:
- Several Italian military advisors have had their traits upgraded, pp cost increased, and cp allocation decreased. This change will only be applied to new saves.

Consertaram mais alguns bugs aqui e acolá, mas acho que vai levar ao menos 1 mês para deixar as coisas mais equilibradas.
Ainda não testei porque os países que costumo jogar tem dificuldade para conseguir supremacia aérea contra os Aliados, mas em teoria as tropas paraquedistas devem ter grande potencial na atual expansão. Porque se elas aterrisarem em um HUB (onde os mantimentos vindo dos trens são distribuidos para regiões próximas), isso deve causar problemas ao inimigo. Enquanto o próprio local deve suprir as necessidades básicas de suas divisões para que não morram de atrito.

[Imagem: HAfFIL4.jpg]

No momento jogando com a Yugoslavia. Se não houver maiores anomalias na partida, talvez eu faça paraquedistas para usar contra a Turquia em 1943/44.
Mesmo com a opção ativada para a IA tentar seguir o caminho histórico, quando sai DLC novo sempre acontece coisas bizarras como agora, onde a Lituânia entra para os Aliados e a URSS declara guerra contra ela logo em seguida.
Então mais 1 ano e Stalin estará em guerra contra o mundo inteiro...

Bem, como estou querendo testar paraquedistas e design de tanques, devo prosseguir com essa partida, mesmo com os russos já estando condenados mesmo se eu não fizer nada. Mas acho que final de semana eu volto para Utawarerumono e deixo isso para quando sair mais patch de correção.

[Imagem: XxKMbPU.jpg]
O patch lançado hoje de Hearts of Iron IV deve ter solucionado o problema da URSS entrar em modo kamikaze. Seja entrando em guerra contra os Aliados, seja sabotando sua própria indústria e manpower.

Spoiler: Changelog  
# Balance

- RK Ostland now releases on controlled territory, not just owned territory.
- AA gun 3 now medium weapon, Tanks are now a bit slower, heavys/sh are now more expensive
- removed base equpment conversion modifier, removed conversion modifier from dispersed industry, increased conversion tech time

# Stability & Performance

- Fixed a corner case where AI defensive line generation would slow the game down to a crawl

# UI

- Fix orders group UI not reflecting the motorization state of units after loading a save

# AI

- Updated German templates to correctly use motorized
- Soviet should now not get stuck in a spiral of decision spending when they desperately needs manpower laws
- USA should no longer fail to produce a usable infantry template
- usa should now prioritize getting a m. tank design working faster
- soviet should now avoid justifying on targets where it can push its ultimatum
- AI is more conservative about implementing no_garrison law if resistance target will raise too much
- Impassable provinces will no longer be seen as land connections by the AI military strategists

# Modding

- Can now use decision as target for pp_spend_priority strategy to block spending completely on decisions
- Documentation has been updated to reflect Barbarossa changes

# Database

- The Superior Warmachines focus in the Soviet tree is now available for players without NSB

# Bugfix

- Made the Polish Decision Categories for dealing with the Peasant Strike, Sanation and Inviting Foreign Motors be available without No Step Back
- Leadership of the Axis now remains with the German Reich when civil war starts
- Fix AI not assigned requested units to naval invasion armies, which could leave them idle wherever they happened to be standing
- Fixed the Wilhelmina idea so it has the correct portrait.
- fixed an issue where French and Japanese Heavy tank chassis icons were in the wrong spot in the tech tree
- Adjusted the Iron Wolf appeasement decisions in Lithuania so it's not as easy to get locked out of the rest of the branch.
- Puppeted Russia can now take Pacify the Rim focus even if they have sold Vladivostok, making it possible to progress to the independence war focus.
- Fix river supply connections sometimes getting absurd boosts to supply flow
- a number of triggers were broken due to translated character names not registering correctly. These have been fixed. This should only affect non-English players (Russian in particular).
- Removed condition from the Bring Old Trotskyists Back focus to stop players from sometimes getting locked out of the Permanent Revolution section of the Left Opposition focus tree.
- Improved AI weights for Prospecting decisions.
- Baltic AI will no longer reject Soviet ultimatum on historical due to a major country guaranteeing them.
- Added missing Soviet focuses to 1939 Bookmark
- Focuses and decisions will now work correctly when checking for a character that has a different name spelling in non-english
- Volunteers will no longer be lost when returning
- Russia can now properly form the Pan-slavic union
- The AI will no longer cheat and try to use Military Spirits if No Step Back is not enabled
- Fixed issue where exiled characters didn't return after a successful coup
- Translate localization key for all character name, not just unit leaders
- In the tank designer, the top/default entry in the model selection list is now the expected one for super heavy, modern and amphibious chassis.
- The tank model displayed in the tech details view is now of the expected tech level.
- Comintern is now dissolved when starting the Soviet civil war
- Fix rare crash where logistics strike targetted consumer whose cached status was invalid
- Fix PREV (etc) keyword when it references a character.
- Super heavy and modern tank designs will now get a proper default icon when playing with NSB active.
- Missing glyphs for Turkish and Latvian names are now back. Also fixed non-breaking spaces showing up as '?' in French and Russian translations.
- Units in naval transfer will no longer trigger 'low supply' theater alert
- Poland is no longer able to complete the April Constitution while being a puppet
- Fallback lines now work correctly for volunteers
No final de dezembro lançaram um patch beta, mas o jogo ainda tem muitos bugs derivados da última DLC. E acho que deveriam fazer algo para se melhor defender de ataques contra sua logistica, que não seja simplesmente na força bruta.

Tudo bem que na vida real os alemães destruiram algumas centenas de trens dos russos, mas não é como se eles tivessem uma força aérea digna na ocasião.
Paradox lançou hoje novo patch beta de Hearts of Iron IV. Consertou um bug recente com as unidades maritimas, e até consertou um bug antigo com unidades terrestres.

Meio ocupado com FFXIV, mas com o patch atual devo voltar a jogar isso no decorrer da semana.

Spoiler: Beta patch notes  
# Balance

- Blitzkrieg Theorist advisors now have increased base cost

# UI

- Fixed ship stats details pages not showing correct supply usage
- Fixed UI elements highlighting spurriously when tech template would unlock equipment which isn't included in current DLC profile
- Fixed Army and Navy view windows opening on top of each other
- Fixed shift+k shortcut for training air/navy
- Decision map icons with CP costs no longer overlap unreadably
- Fixed rail upgrade buttons sometimes not being generated. Buttons now line up with rails connecting to naval bases.
- Fixed Railway Gun supply icon never showing up and being in the wrong place when it did
- Fixed naval unit counters not showing low supply icon
- Naval battle screen now correctly shows admiral portraits
- Fixed operative map icons not getting frame mask applied
- Updated equipment conversion and ship refitting tooltips to use accurate language and include the relevant values and modifiers.

# AI

- AI now assigns free aces to valid existing wings instead of only when creating new wings
- AI is now significantly less likely to release collaboration governments unless they have narrative reasons to do so

# Modding

- Added multiplicative modifier equipment_conversion_ic_cost which reduces conversion IC cost for non-naval equipment edited with the equipment designer (i.e. tanks when NSB is active).

# Stability & Performance

- Fixed player/ai list not being properly reset when going back to menu, triggering OOS on new games

# Bugfix

- Modifiers from propaganda campaigns are now properly cleared when Soviet Union capitulates.
- Emilio Mola will no longer be retired after completing the focus The National-Syndicalist State, he will just drop his country leader roles but will keep his advisor and unit leader roles.
- Swapped Soviet armored cars I and II in the tech tree.
- Communist support threshold to complete Estonian focus Break the Silence has been increased to be less than 5% (instead of less than 1%)
- Fixed several character issues with Spanish Falangists in the focus tree. Emilio Mola and Primo de Rivera should be properly handled now and will no longer be literally killed in order to allow the other to take over as country leader.
- Capital supply connection graph will now prioritize shorter sea routes
- Supply network now considers convoy availability and tries to prioritize throughput over unconditionally avoiding naval connections
- Naval Supply routes now respect blocked region flags.
- Fixed Patagonian lake being considered some sort of flooded plain aberration and prevented players from building nuclear reactors on it.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for players to progress down the Vichy focus tree because a Petain imposter was in charge
- German Air Innovations 2 now correctly reduces cost of air doctrines, rather than increasing research speed
- Fixed some design company ideas not having bonuses shown on equipment stats page
- Steal blueprints operation no longer gives access to locked out mutual exclude branches
- Frontlines will not spread to friendly or neutral countries anymore
- Taskforces operating in a blocked naval region can draw supply from naval bases in that region
De madrugada comecei a jogar com a Bulgaria em Hearts of Iron IV. Indo relativamente bem, contudo...

Não sei se a IA está sendo realmente inteligente ou é mero acaso, mas depois que tomei a Grécia com ajuda substancial dos meus paraquedistas, faz 3 anos que os Aliados se esforçam em manter superioridade aérea sobre o mar Egeu e atacar minha infraestrutura em Creta.
A medida que vou adicionado aviões na região, igualmente a IA o faz. E assim permanece uma guerra de atrito. Mas é meio dificil alcançar a capacidade de produção de caças dos ingleses...

Se não fosse isso, meus paraquedistas poderiam atacar qualquer posição no Mediterrâneo Oriental.

[Imagem: XPQmH2Z.jpg]
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