E o nerf para Brasil/Argentina/Chile veio a galope. Por isso boa parte do changelog pertence a parte Balance.
Agora posso tentar a conquista do mundo com um desses países sem me sentir um trapaceiro
Além de promoção, 3 dias gratuitos para jogar Hearts of Iron IV no Steam.
O jogo base (que agora inclui 3 DLC com funções importantes) com desconto de -80%, R$ 35,99.
Fizeram algumas mudanças na imagem que representa o jogo:
O Steam baixou um patch aqui e agora a versão do jogo é 1.14.4, mas acho que só mudaram algumas coisas por ter incorporado 3 DLC para o jogo base. Bem, agora indo assistir anime, outra hora eu vejo se teve algo mais.
Mas estão prometendo 1 patch mensal para cortar as arestas até a próxima DLC.
Finalmente consertaram a Itália. Ela não deve mais entrar em uma espiral de auto-destruição ao perder um Core State. Basta recuperá-lo para deter a bomba relógio.
- Brazil: focus "Potenji River Conference" changed so that instead of having Brazil declare war on American major enemies, they now instead join the American war, thus not applying the Defensive War bonus on the Axis and Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere in the late-game.
- Brazil: now even more extra hyper-unlikely to reject unification with Portugal if their ideologies match
- Czechoslovakia: focus "United Population" now grants 10% stability and war support as well as 150 political power if the "Divided Nation" national spirit has already been removed by the focus "Czech Socialism".
- France: Fixed an issue where SOMUA S35 was previously called SOUMUA S35.
- France: focus ""Begin Rearmament"" will no longer be cancelled if you drop below the required war support.
- France: wargoals for the French focus ""Secure the Crown"" target all Spains.
- France: the Orleanist focuses Slum Clearing and Counter-Action are both now 35 days focuses, and added an extra building slot to the Slum Clearing focus.
- France: focus ""Diplomatic Freedom"" now takes 35 days and give 50 political power.
- France: fixed an issue with offsets in the tree when taking the focus ""Revive the National Bloc"".
- France: focus ""Defensive Focus"" now gives 30 command power.
- France: focuses ""Invite Yugoslavia"" and ""Invite Romania"" now are 35 day focuses.
- France: Trimmed down the decision tooltips in the focus "Reorganize Aviation Industry" and added 2 Military factories as an instant completion reward in the focus.
- United Kingdom: Fixed an issue with a duplicated available trigger in the British focus “Commonwealth Ties”. Also changed the focus to include British Malaya in its targets, as well as give the targeted nations 50 political power each. Also made it into a 35 day focus.
- Warlords: focus Industrial Investments now gives 2 civilian factories instead of one.
- Warlords: now start with the national spirit “Warlord State” which can be upgraded through 3 different new focuses, and which is removed upon becoming any other type of state.
- Warlords: national spirit “Long Term Economic Planning” now also gives a 10% construction bonus to Supply Hubs.
- China: national spirit “Public Works” now also gives a 5% construction bonus to Railways.
- Warlords: focus “Personal Leadership” now takes 35 days and additionally grants 30 command power.
- China: national spirit “Rapid Mobilization” now also gives a 10% bonus to mobilization speed.
- Warlords: focus “Opposition” now also grants 5% war support.
- Warlords: focus “Cooperation with the Nationalists” now also grants 5% stability.
- Warlords: focus “Cooperation with the Communists” now also grants 50 political power.
- Warlords: focus “Cult of Personality” now also grants 5% war support.
- Warlords: focus Local Arms Production now gives 2 military factories instead of one.
- Spirits: Professional Officer Corps now grants 15% division experience gain and 30 max command power in place of 5% land XP, -5% doctrine cost and 0.20 daily command power
- Spirits: Elevated Engineering Corps no longer grants a 25% engineer trait xp gain factor. Railway gun bombardment bonus is now 25%, from 20%
- Spirits: Proper Heritage no longer grants 5% cavalry attack, and instead grants 10% Leader Experience Gain
- Spirits: State Serves the Military now grants 10% offensive war stability, from 10% political power gain
- Spirits: Logistical Focus spirit now grants -10% fuel consumption instead of -5%
- Cavalry Recon now gains a 15% speed bonus from the Mass Assault doctrine "Pocket Defence".
- Horseback Infantry now have several early benefits in military doctrines. We would still like to see them phased out in favor of motorized infantry, but for countries with no real options in the early game they should lose their shine a little later then currently.
- The Dutch MIOs Fokker and DAF are now both available from game start, and instead of being unlocked, are granted 2 extra levels when taking each MIOs respective focus.
- Increased the spirit of the naval acadamy spirits chance to gain +skills on level up from 40% to 50% to be in line with the army spirits
- the AI will be significantly less likely to leave countries alive on tiny islands during peace conferences
- Added decisions for Wales and Y Wladfa to core each-others states if they control them.
- The Free French focus “Refus Absurde” can now also be completed if at peace to remove the Defeatism spirit, and the focus “Form the Provisional Government” now also removes the spirit in case it hasn’t been removed earlier.
- Finland no longer cedes Petsamo to the Soviets when losing the Winter War.
- Bulgaria: Players with BftB should no longer encounter Fatherland Front when going to war with the Soviet Union while wrong ideology
- The Request Expeditionaries feature works with size 0 armies once again
- corrected railways around lille and dunkirk
- All single category MIOs (naval, air, land) should now use the correct XP type
- Fixed a bug when if you had a spirit of the army (leftmost army spirits) would cause any spirit from spirit of the naval academy (leftmost navy spirit) to not work properly
- Fixed a wrong tooltip where the % chance to gain +attack/defense/manouver+coordination in the spirit of the naval academy would say you a way lower % chance to get the benefit that what it really was (it said 20% but it was in fact 40%)
- Fixed a number of Soviet CCP icons that were not appearing correctly when the pack is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where Argentina could core only Guatemala and no other central-american nations using their South-American unity decisions, as well as making them able to core Easter Island.
- Fixed an issue where the 30 day cooldown for the damage dealt by Paratroopers after taking the "Combat Insertion"doctrine wasn't working and could be done an infinite number of times in the same state.
- Fixed an issue where a Warlord state that had inherited Nationalist China's focus tree couldn't remove their version of the Ineffective Bureaucracy spirit through the Examination Yuan focus.
- Fixed an error where the British Plan R-4 couldn't be successfully completed.
- Land Doctrine: People's Army now correctly applies cavalry suppression buff to Military Police; buff reduced to 0.35 Suppression Per Honse from 0.5
- Unit supply consumption now correctly uses 2 decimal places in tooltips and UI (functionality remains unchanged)
- Fixed an issue where the "Blockade Venezuela" decision would still be visible when Venezuela didn't exist.
- Fixed an issue where the leader trait “Unbreakable” wasn’t properly granting attack and defense modifiers.
- Fixed an issue where the Spanish national spirit “The Anti-Fascist Crusade” wasn’t properly granting the attack it said it was.
- Fixed an issue where the Nordic national spirit “The Nordic March” wasn’t properly granting the attack it said it was.
- Fixed an issue where the Nordic national spirit “To Arms Against Tyranny” wasn’t properly granting the defense it said it was.
- Fixed an issue where the Latvian national spirit “Dievturība” wasn’t properly granting attack and defense modifiers.
- Fixed an issue where the various Italian Papal national spirits weren't properly granting attack and defense modifiers.
- Fixed an issue where the Spanish national spirit “Embrace the Spanish Destiny” wasn’t properly granting the attack it said it was.
- Fixed an issue where the Spanish “Crusade Against Democracy” national spirits weren’t properly granting the attack and defense and they said they were.
- Gdynia is now also included among the states that Poland can return to a democratic Germany if they are close to capitulation.
- Fixed various issues with the requirements and effects of the Norwegian decisions to convert convoys into destroyers.
- Fixed an issue where Chile couldn't bypass the focus "Demand the Guyanas" when already controlling all three target states.
- Fixed an issue where the Portuguese focus "Portuguese Artillery" didn't grant funds to the correct MIO.
- Fixed an issue where the Brazilian focus "Bribe the Military" wouldn't grant a dockyard due to incorrect checks in the focus.
- Fixed various issues where the Japanese Zaibatsu national spirits could join the wrong side of a civil war.
- Fixed an issue where the Latvian focus "Renew the Constitution of Latvia" wouldn't correctly swap the trait of the political advisor Alberts Kvesis as it said it did.
- Fixed an issue where the French focus and decisions for "Arms Purchases in the US" could be completed despite the requirements not being properly fulfilled.
- Entrenchment Chief no longer refuses to follow naming consistency rules (Thanks Reddit, we hated it too)
- Spirits: Professional Officer Corps now grants 15% division experience gain and 30 max command power in place of 5% land XP, -5% doctrine cost and 0.20 daily command power
Isso deve impactar minhas partidas com o Brasil. Pensando como lidar agora com o Cangaço.
- Spirits: State Serves the Military now grants 10% offensive war stability, from 10% political power gain
Eu gostava do ganho em PP. Agora deve ficar raro eu escolher isso.
- Spirits: Logistical Focus spirit now grants -10% fuel consumption instead of -5%
Interessante para países como a Itália.
Faz alguns meses que não jogo com a Itália. Acho que daqui a pouco vou começar uma partida com ela.
Hoje de madrugada comecei a jogar com a Argentina e minutos atrás a Alemanha nazista perdeu. Como segui o caminho fascista, Hitler resolveu fugir para a Argentina. E assim nasce... o Quarto Reich
- Somehow He Has Returned
As Argentina, have Senor Hitler become country leader
Só 0,6% dos jogadores Steam conseguiram o achievement acima. Para ver que muitos não fazem questão de completar essas coisas.
Como já estava no embalo e tinha feito da Bolivia um puppet, minutos atrás consegui o achievement: - Lamento Boliviano
As Argentina, own all of Latin America except Bolivia
Próxima DLC de Hearts of Iron IV será lançada 14 de novembro. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/dev...s.1705688/
Além da Alemanha vão revisar o focus tree da Hungria. Gosto de jogar com esse país, mas está meio defasado.
Country Pack para o começo de 2025, com o sugestivo titulo de Graveyard of Empires.
A descrição no Steam confirmou meus pensamentos sobre o que se trata: “este pacote de país para Hearts of Iron IV adiciona conteúdo com foco nacional e um toque histórico a várias nações asiáticas, inclusive o Raj Indiano, Irã, Iraque e Afeganistão.”
O Steam acabou de atualizar Hearts of iron IV com o patch 1.14.9, mas o fórum oficial ainda nem fez tópico com changelog.
No fórum de Hearts of Iron IV no Steam apareceu um tópico com o titulo "More LGBTQ+ please". Nem me dei o trabalho de ler os absurdos que deve ter dentro dele, mas a Paradox trancou o tópico.
Em paralelo ao anúncio da próxima DLC, Hearts of Iron IV entrou em promoção no Steam até 10 de outubro. -70%, R$ 53,99.
Se comprar junto com todos seus complementos: -53%, R$ 331,43.
Como nos últimos anos comprei as DLC em doses homeopáticas, a dor foi menor para minha carteira Steam.
Amanhã deve ter tópico do desenvolvedor para comentar sobre o caminho histórico da nova focus tree da Alemanha.
Falta praticamente 1 mês para a expansão. Boa hora para conseguir algum achievement envolvendo a conquista de meio mundo. Embora eu costumo parar no meio do caminho devido a fadiga de gerenciar duas dezenas de generais, ou ficar em uma posição complicada demais.
De ontem para hoje tentei:
- Collect all the Romes
As Italy, continue holding onto the First Rome, and gain the second and third Rome
Basicamente seria conquistar Istanbul e Moscou. Mas Alemanha perdeu em 1945 e fiquei com países comunistas do Norte ao Leste da minha fronteira. Sendo que boa parte das minhas tropas estão ocupadas com os Aliados a Oeste e Sul.
Bem, acho que é mais fácil começar outra partida e tentar estreitar a linha de frente.
Outro achievement envolvendo a Itália é conquistando a União Soviética com o Papa no poder. Mas jogar de católico parece meio enfadonho.
E não é como se eu fizesse questão de ter todos os achievements. Estou com 5.112 horas de jogo e só tenho 42 de 211.