![[Imagem: naSFywZ.png]](https://i.imgur.com/naSFywZ.png)
Ficha técnica:
Título: Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru
Título alternativo: Sinônimo: - | Japonês: それでも歩は寄せてくる | Abreviatura: -
Formato: Série de TV
Gênero: -
Obra original: Mangá - 11 volumes (Em andamento)
Público-alvo da obra original: Shonen
Editora (Label): Weekly Shōnen Magazine
Escrito por: Yamamoto Souichirou
Site oficial: https://soreayu.com/
Estúdio: Silver Link
Produtora: "Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru" Seisaku Iinkai, Days, Kodansha, Pony Canyon, Silver Link, TBS
Diretor: Minato Mirai
Supervisor do script: Akao Deko
Character designer: Hirata Kazuya
Data de estréia: 08/07/2022
Emissora: TBS, BS-TBS
Número de episódios: -
Abertura: "Kakehiki wa Poker Face" por Hanazawa Kana
Encerramento: "50 Centi" por Nakamura Kanna
Maiores informações: [Wikipedia (EN) | Wikipedia (PT) | MyAnimeList | AnimeNewsNetwork | AniDB]
Sinopse MAL: On a whim, first-year Ayumu Tanaka quits the Kendo Club to join the illegitimate Shogi Club. Urushi Yaotome, the president of the club and a master of shogi, is thrilled to finally have a playing partner. As Ayumu's upperclassman, Urushi endeavors to be his shogi mentor and student role model. Too often, however, she finds herself blushing with embarrassment! Stone-faced and honest, Ayumu sees no issue with calling Urushi "cute." Although Ayumu likes her, he refrains from confessing and promises himself to first beat her in a game of shogi. Through school life and shogi games, the two students have many hilarious and heart-warming adventures. Ayumu enjoys every second with Urushi, but he is still a long way from beating her in shogi. With the commitment he made to himself, will Ayumu ever get the chance to confess his feelings to Urushi? [Written by MAL Rewrite]